Monday, February 23, 2009

Our brains on Media

Oh! Music, pictures are wonderful.This movie starring by Tom Cruise makes a strong impressionon me.At first it influences the limbic part of my brain, because the music, actions make me feel the whole film.I have positive emotions.Then if touches the neocortex part of my brain it makes me think how brave, fearless the main hero is.He has mission which seems impossible.But the main character does his best in order to do it possible.He affords any difficulties to achieve his goal with his incredible rapidity, braveness.It makes me believe that if you try hard, if you have a goal, a will in life you will overcome everything, every problem.Of course, some events in the movie are far from reality but the author reveals the negative features of the society by the help of main hero.I watch this movie with interest, with excitement.

How sweet, cute the baby is?I love babies.This baby is so smart, so clever that he does everything according to the book.This movie influences the neocortex part of my brain, because it makes me believe that the main thing in a man is wisdom, cleverness.The baby wins the gangsters for his intelligence.It makes me believe that wisdom isn't attained with years but by ability.The proverb says:"A close mouth catches no flies".We follow the foolish gangsters by the help of the baby and we laugh at them.They are so funny, so stupid.It is fantastic, unreal, because he is a baby, he can't do these things, but by the help of the baby the author exposes the gangsters.


  1. you blog is very good. I congratulate you!

  2. Hi Ergun 007 -

    You select two very different but excellent video clips to show us how our brains on media work.

    Bravo, friend!


    Dr. W
